Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Book Club: The Light Between Oceans

If you took notice to the GoodReads widget in the sidebar of the blog, you would have noticed that one of my recent reads was M.L. Stedman's "The Light Between Oceans". This book is one that I loved dearly despite the sadness and conflict endured by each of its characters. I admired the writing and the flow, changing perspectives throughout the chapters--it would seem by some of my recent book club posts that I am in to that. :) 

The story centers around the life of Tom Sherbourne in his time following WWI. After the war, he arrives back home to Australia where he begins his life as a lighthouse attendant. In his time between posts, while he is back on the mainland, Tom meets his wife Isabel who joins him in the life of isolation. The two try to make a happy life on the island, but fail repeatedly in their attempts to have a child. One day after a storm, a boat appears on the shore carrying and deceased man and a live baby. They take the child in, not taking into consideration the fact that there is still a family for it somewhere back on the mainland. They become aware of this upon a brief return to visit family, which ignites a bit of a moral battle between the two of them. 

There was so much to this story that the decision to write from multiple characters' perspectives is very much a benefit. I appreciated being shown why some supporting characters made the decisions that they did and under what specific circumstances. I personally would not classify this and easy, breezy beach read but rather a must-read. Wherever you are, read it. 

<3 Ashley

Have you read "The Light Between Oceans"? Thoughts? 

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