Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Digital Wunderkammer

Wunderkammer: pretty much the only German word I know, courtesy of my Composing Digital Media class. Basically, it is a curiosity cabinet.

What is so special about the wunderkammer is the way in which it is organized to the owner’s specific, sometimes strange, taste and how it causes the viewer to sometimes experience and interact with objects in a different way. The class then was assigned to apply this concept to our own sites on Pinterest and Tumblr.

Never before had I considered giving these sites any other function other than to distract me and maybe, possibly, waste my time. After taking the time, care and consideration into strategically uploading, repinning, moving and deleting a number of photographs from these pages for this project I have reconsidered my critique of these sites.

While they may not be as wonderful and satisfying as a physical, wooden curiosity cabinet, I can see why some people take so much pride in the “work” that they put into their Pinterest or Tumblr pages. It provides one with an area in which to be fully create with countless visual sources at your fingertips!

<3 Ashley

Is this how you treat your Pinterest or Tumblr page? What specifically do you put on these pages?

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