Sunday, May 21, 2017

So How About That Weather

 Just another artsy shot taken outside of a Starbucks

Ya'll ... what is this weather lately? We are now living in a world where 90 degree days happen and then the world bounces back to a casual 70 degrees.

This would be the way I start a blog post after so much silence, right? Talking about the weather.  I'm sorry that I am the actual embodiment of "the worst."

But real talk: since it's been so hot, I decided to lift the ban on spending outside of gas and groceries and bought a few dresses that I can wear to work. Let me tell you, the District was hot and humid those 90 degree days last week. So I bought these super cute dresses and I was feeling super great about it. Then I saw the forecast for the week and I will probably wear these dress zero times this week.

Am I the only one who gets super bummed when I can't debut an outfit to the world immediately? Am I the only psycho here?

Then I went and bought myself some new flats and sandals because walking around D.C. the excessive amount I do has made my shoes so gross! So I guess the good news here is my wardrobe has gotten a little refresh before we reach the depths of these warm months.

As an update while I'm here: I am so happy right now. My job is great, and I am loving the chance to get to know this city outside of what I got to know as a tourist growing up. I also find myself staring longingly into expensive bars and restaurants cuz I'm not quite cool enough to walk in and fit in - something about me still screams "rural Pennsylvania!" So, my D.C. alter-ego is still a work in progress. ;)

<3 Ashley

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